miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

The French and Indian War! xP

More Info: http://www.philaprintshop.com/frchintx.html

France and England fought over the Ohio River Valley. George Washington commanded the British troops. The War began in 1756, but by 1753, forts were already been built upon various places of the Ohio Valley.
At first, the British suffered heavy losses: Washington had given a preemptive strike on the french forces and although he won, he was soon afterwards outnumbered and defeated from forces coming from Fort Duquesne. The French destroyed several forts on Lake Ontario and Lake George while the Indians raided settlements on the Frontier. In 1758-1759, the war shifted in favor of the British, who had started to block the shipments of Europe-New France. It led to the fall of several forts on the Ohio Valley. They proceded to capture Quebec in 1759 and Montreal in 1760. The British then forced the Governor General of New France Marques Duquesne to surrender the rest of Canada, including the forts protecting the Great Lakes and Florida. In 1763, the Treaty of Paris ended the war with victory in the hands of the British. Britain kept Canada, the Ohio Valley, Florida and the Great Lakes.The Mississippi River became the boundary between the British, Spain and French

                                                                                                              DRG, Blogging the US Revo!!! xD

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